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LUSK puzzle out On-line.
LUSK puzzle out On-line
Crosswordpuzzle Server krizovky.lusk.cz, krizovka.lusk.cz
  8090 puzzles issued up to now.

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If you have already attended some competition on our website your information is probably already stored in the system. In that case let send a password to your email that you set in competition. You can directly login if your email is on Seznam or Google - click to the link "Login" on the top of the page and then on the icon.

    You need have the access to the email.
    Personal data
    First name
    Last name
    If you set nickname it will be shown instead of your name in the lists. If no name or nickname would not be set, your profile will be named "solver No. NUMBER".
    We need your address only if we will send you your prize.
    Street and Nr.
    ZIP Code
    The login informaion will be send to the given e-mail. Without access to this email you will not be able to login.